1305 Mountain Highway, The Basin Street Trading


1305 Mountain Highway, The Basin Street Trading




The Task:

Our client sought a permit (in conjunction with their permit for a new café in the Basin) to allow for outdoor seating on the footpath in front of the café. The proximity of drains and bins were carefully considered in the layout, and the safety of pedestrians was also considered, ensuring that ample clearance was provided for the safe passage of foot traffic. Smart Planning and Design worked closely with Council and architects CJY Architecture to ensure outdoor seating was provided to service the café, whilst ensuring it was safe and appropriate for the site’s location.

The Outcome:

Council granted a permit for both the café and the associated outdoor seating, ensuring patrons of the café can enjoy their meal in the lush, green streetscape of The Basin. Smart Planning and Design worked with CJY Architecture on their plans to demonstrate the location of outdoor tables and chairs, and show complete compliance with Council’s safety standards. The outdoor seating will complement the newly approved café and allow the new local business to thrive, in addition to creating activity on the street.

Council granted a permit for both the café and the associated outdoor seating, ensuring patrons of the café can enjoy their meal in the lush, green streetscape of The Basin. Smart Planning and Design worked with CJY Architecture on their plans to demonstrate the location of outdoor tables and chairs, and show complete compliance with Council’s safety standards. The outdoor seating will complement the newly approved café and allow the new local business to thrive, in addition to creating activity on the street.