Eglinton Coastal Village and Resort Development Masterplan


Eglinton Coastal Village and Resort Development Masterplan


Eglinton, Western Australia


Eglinton Estates



The Task:

We prepared a Masterplan and Framework Plans for a new coastal village in Perth’s northern growth corridor. Our plan identified opportunities was designed for a range of coastal land uses including a Marina, Housing, Coastal Village Square, Supermarket and Shops, Recreation Pier and Market and Playground.

The Outcome:

The centre is focused on the Village Square and Foreshore Promenade. Of note, was the creation of intimate laneways providing an organic network of quiet intimate pedestrian focused spaces.

We created a place to wander and to enjoy the coastal atmosphere. There are strong connections back to the Eglington District Centre and regional rail line supporting the use of the coastal village as a place to live, work and have a holiday.