Eglinton District Centre Masterplan


Eglinton District Centre Masterplan


Eglinton, Western Australia


Eglinton Estates



The Task:

We worked in association with local planners DPS to prepare a Vision Document, Masterplan and Framework Plans for a new district centre in Perth’s northern growth corridor.

Our plans identified opportunities and were designed for a wide range of land uses including major retail, civic, entertainment, office, commercial and educational along with a diverse range of higher density residential housing.

The Outcome:

We created a centre that focused on a main street which connected the station plaza with iconic office buildings on Marmion Avenue, a major regional road.

Of note, was the creation of distinctive public spaces along the main street including the Station Plaza, which is envisioned to be active 18/7, and a more intimate town square collocated with civic facilities.

The Eglington District Centre was designed to be a main point of arrival for people travelling to the Eglington area by public transport.

It will be a bustling transport hub for commuters and it will demonstrate best practice environmental, social and economically sustainable design.