Macquarie Park Corridor Masterplan


Macquarie Park Corridor Masterplan


Sydney, NSW


Planning NSW



The Task:

The Macquarie Park Corridor is one of Australia’s ten largest office precincts. However, unlike the other precincts which are all traditional CBDs, it is in the form of a low-density, mono functional, car-based business park environment.

The development of three new stations as part of the Epping-Chatswood Rail Line provided an opportunity to transform the area into a more vibrant and sustainable environment.

We were engaged as part of a multi disciplinary team to prepare a masterplan to guide future development in the Corridor.

The Outcome:

Our plan seeks to capitalise on the future stations to encourage public transport use and, equally importantly, to foster
a more diverse mix of uses to support the continued attraction of the area as a business precinct.

New development around the stations is required to be more urban in character, incorporating higher densities, active street frontages, a finer grain of premises and a diverse use-mix.

We proposed an array of new streets along with improvements to the amenity of existing streets to create a more walkable environment.

Our masterplan has been adopted and translated into a Development Control Plan which is now governing new development and infrastructure works.