Technology Precinct WA Master Plan
Perth, Western Australia
WA Department of Industry and Resources
The Task:
Our proposals seek to promote interaction between the organisations within the precinct and with the broader community by inserting a new main street that connects the major sub-precincts directly to each other and the surrounding area.
A major new commercial activity centre is created where the university and Technology Park meet, at the intersection of the existing and new main roads. This forms the heart of a more compact and mixed use urban core, which is surrounded by a series of distinct character areas.
The Outcome:
Technology Precinct is a cluster of organisations with a focus on innovation, including Curtin University, Technology Park, the Australian Resources Research Centre and a number of other government, education and community organisations.
There is enormous potential for synergies between the organisations in the precinct however, most of them are introverted in attitude or physical form, and they have little contact with each other. There is also untapped potential for the precinct to act as a focus for the exchange of knowledge and development of ideas on a broader scale, supporting a learning and creative community.
Our senior staff were commissioned to prepare a master plan to capture and enhance the physical linkages between the existing organisations within the precinct and encourage greater community use.