Vaitele Structure Plan
Planning and Urban Management
The Task:
Vaitele is a non-traditional village in the peri-urban area of Apia. Vaitele comprises three villages: Vaitele Tai, Vaitele Uta and Vaitele Fou. The Structure Plan applies to land in all three villages, which incorporates significant employment and industry uses within its boundaries.
The Vaitele Structure Plan is a requirement of the Vaitele Urban Governance Pilot Project for the Government of Samoa and the project sponsors the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
The Outcome:
Working in collaboration with Planning and Urban Management Agency (PUMA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, we delivered a robust Structure Plan that anticipates the short, medium and long term development.
Our Plan is the preliminary spatial planning phase in the preparation of an ultimate Sustainable Management Plan (SMP) for Vaitele.
Our Plan has been implemented through the Vaitele SMP.